Welcome to


Innovative solutions for:
Sustainable Environment Sustainable Mobility Sustainable Future

About Us

A continuously growing team, constantly seeking professionals and innovative ideas to promote projects with shared objectives.

Area ELEVEN is a laboratory for products and new projects aimed at the SMART CITY and SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY sectors.

The two founding partners act as catalysts for a series of Italian and international partners in the development and commercialization of SMART PRODUCTS and SOLUTIONS for a more sustainable environment and future.

Professionals with proven experience in various sectors, committed for years to the world of “Smart Mobility” and services for “smart cities”.

What We Offer

Innovative products, experience, and expertise in the field of sustainable mobility.

Technical and logistical support for tenders and funding measures dedicated to territories.

Our team provides support to third-party design entities and energy communities, also identifying opportunities for the creation of Public-Private Partnerships in accordance with procurement codes.

A commercial entity that suggests and provides hardware and software services and solutions related to the needs of Mobility and the transformation of Smart Cities of the Third Millennium.

Our Values


Our vision involves a network of professionals and commercial figures across the entire Italian territory and other European countries, aimed at promoting the driving concepts of SUSTAINABLE TERRITORY.


To become the benchmark for the implementation of innovative systems for Smart Cities and Sustainable Mobility.


Electric Vehicles

Cargo and Special Vehicles

Mobility Hubs - Shelters - Photovoltaic Covers

Automated Bike Stations

Inductive Electric Charging Systems


Territory Data Analysis and Systems for Smart Cities

Shared Mobility Systems

Solutions and Services for Shared Mobility

Schedule an Appointment

Our Contacts

For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us; we will be happy to assist you.

Write to us today!



Phone number

+39 334 914 8016


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©2024 Area Eleven © Copyright 2024 | Via Becchi Tognini 4 48125 Ravenna (RA) | E-mail: info@areaeleven.com | TEL: +39 334 914 8016 | P.IVA: 02772540395 | REA: 254998